The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics


 October 3, 2006

George F. Smoot has been awarded the 2006 Nobel Prize for physics. He shares the award with John C. Mather of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. The citation reads "for their discovery of the blackbody form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation."


The Nobel Prize in Physics Announcement

View UC Berkeley Webcast

View The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2006
The Stockholm Concert Hall,
Sweden, December 10

Nobel Lecture

Smoot Gallery on Nobel Prize site

2006 Nobel Prize Conference at LBNL


An early map of the Comic Microwave Background - relic radiation of The Big Bang




The Nobel Diploma



The class of 2006 Nobel Laureates
John C. Mather, Edmund S. Phelps, Roger Kornberg, Dipal Chandra Barua (representing Grameen Bank), Orhan Pamuk, Andrew Z. Fire, Craig C. Mello, Muhammad Yunus, and George F. Smoot.


On October 3, 2006, Dr. Smoot's day began with a 3am phone call from Sweden, 5am paparazzi at the door, and a 10am press conference at Lawrence Berkeley lab. The remainder of the day was filled with congratulatory events within the Astrophysics department at LBL, an all-staff LBL celebration, and a Cal campus party. Lawrence Berkeley Lab Announcement   UC Berkeley Press Release







LBL Director Steve Chu (Nobel Prize Physics 1997) congratulates Dr. Smoot on his achievements at the LBL celebration







A toast for the history books









Dr. Smoot discusses his work









Dr. Chu feels compelled to add commentary

Photos: R. Nocera


Photos from Astrophysics Department Celebration

Department of Energy R&D Accomplishments

National Public Radio Science Friday interview

Read comments by US Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, and more...



Dr. Smoot, right, watches coin toss at Cal football game against Oregon.
Fans chanted "Nobel! Nobel! Nobel!" when Smoot entered the field.

Cal Bears Football halftime radio interview

Photo: LBL















At Lawrence Berkeley Lab, an impromptu notice of George's induction to the Nobel wall of fame


Photo: LBL




Written in stone: 2006 Nobel Laureates add their names to the Nobel Monument in NYC




Click on this image to learn more about the City of Berkeley Proclamation

Berkeley's All American Patriots dispatch on Nobel prize