Physics 10 Book List 1

for Prof. Smoot's class

1st List of suggested readings

Asterisks indicate books that are especially good.

ALFVEN, H., Atoms Man and the Universe (Freeman, 1969), Living on the Third Planet (Freeman, 1972), Worlds-Antiworlds (Freeman, 1966)

ANDRADE, E.N., Rutherford and the Nature of the Atom (Doubleday), Sir Isaac Newton (Anchor), a short biography

ASIMOV, 1., Any title (non-fiction)

BAKER, A., Physics and Anti-Physics (Addison- Wesley)

BARNETT, L., *The Universe and Dr. Einstein (Signet). A well- written account for non-scientists.

BERENDZEN, R., Man Discovers the Galaxies (Science History Publ., 1977)

BONDI, H., *Relativity and Common Sense (Anchor)

BORN, M., The Restless Universe (Dover)

BRACEWELL, R.M., Intelligent Life in Outer Space (Freeman, 1975)

BRONOWSKI, J., The Ascent of Man (Little, Brown), The Common Sense of Science (Torchbooks), Science and Human Values (Vintage), A scientist gives a wordy, classical account of the science- society relationship

BROWN, S.C., * Count Rumford (Anchor)

BUTTERFIELD, H., The Origins of Modern Science (Anchor) The book by a famous historian in Which the concept of 'Scientific Revolution" was first introduced

CALDER, N., Unless Peace Comes (Viking Press) Essays on the role of science in war

CHARON, J., Cosmology Theories of the Universe (McGraw- Hill, 1970) paperback

COHEN, I., *Tile Birth of a New Physics (Anchor)

COMMONER, B., *Science and Survival (Ballantine). *The Closing Circle (Bantam), *The Poverty of Poster (Knopf) On the role of science in society; contemporary; excellent

D'ABRO, A., The Rise of the New Physics (Dover)

DAVIS, N., Lawrence and Oppenheimer (Simon and Shuster)

DE SANTILLANIA, Origins of Scientific Thought (Dover) Authoritative tome on the rise of modern science

EINSTEIN, A., *Evolution of Physics (Clarion) Non-mathematical. On the conceptual development of physics

ELLUL, J., Technological Society (Knopf) A pessimistic view

FEATHER, N., Lord Rutherford (Crane, Russak)

FEINBEIIG, G., What is the World Made of? (Doubleday, 1977) About atoms, nuclei, particles, quarks

FERRIS, T., The Red Limit: The Search for the Edge of the Universe (Morrow, 1977) History of 20th Century astronomy

FEYNMAN, R., The Character of Physical Law (MlT Press) A brilliant, non- mathematical account by one of the greatest contemporary physicists

FLEMING, S.J., Authenticity in Art (Crane, Russak) How science is used in the art world

FRIEDRICH, L., The Nature of Physical Knowledge (Indiana Univ. Press)

GAMOW, G., Thirty Years that Shook Physics (Anchor) A delightful look at the development of quantum physics

GHISELIN, B., The Creative Process (Mentor)

GREENBERG, D., The Politics of Pure Science A lively contemporary account by a science journalist

GARDNER, M., *The Relativity Explosion (Pocket Books) An entertaining romp through relativity

HEISENBERG, W., Physics and Philosophy (Torchbooks) A well- known physicist tries his luck at philosophy

HILL, R.D., Tracking Down Particles (Benjamin) On elementary particles

HOOK, S., Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science (Macmillan)

HODGE, P.W., Concepts of the Universe (McGraw- Hill, 1969) paperback.

HOYLE, FRED, Any title (non-fiction)

JAFFE, B., Michelson and the Speed of Light (Anchor) Good biography, with a description of a famous experiment

JUNGK, R., The Big Machine (Scribner) Story of the big European particle accelerator. brighter than a Thousand Suns Beautifully written account of scientists and the atom bomb

KEARNEY, H., Science and Change (McGraw- Hill, 1971) paperback. A historian takes a critical look at the birth of modern science

KLAW, S., The New Brahmins (Apollo) Authoritative account of the science community

KOESTLER, A., The Act of Creation (Macmillan), The Watershed: Biography of Johannes Kepler (Anchor), The Sleepwalkers brilliantly written

KUHN, T., Structure of Scientific Revolutions (Univ. of Chicago Press) A famous classic on the history and philosophy of science

LINDSAY, R., The Nature of Physics (Brown Univ. Press)

MCPHEE, J., The Curve of Binding Energy (Ballantine 1975)

NEYMAN, J., (ed), The Heritage of Copernicus (MIT Press)

PAGE, (ed), Stars and Galaxies (Spectrum)

SAGAN, C., (ed), Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence (MIT Press) Some famous scientists in a hot debate

SAGAN, C., *The Cosmic Connection (Doubleday, 1973; Dell paperback, 1975) Speculations about life on other planets

SAGAN, C ., AND SHKLOVSKY, Is., Intelligent Life in the Universe (Dell, 1968)

SCIAMA, D., The Physical Foundations of General Relativity (Doubleday)

Scientific American, Energy and Power (Freeman, 1971) The starting point for the new field of Energy/Environment research

SHANNON,C., & WEAVER,W., Mathematical Theory of Communications (1st part)

SULLIVAN, W., We Are Not Alone (McGraw- Hill)

ULAM,S., Adventures of a Mathematician (Scribners, 1976) Autobiography of a talented mathematician, who was also the co-inventor of the H-bomb

WATSON, J., The Double Helix (Atheneum) One of the discoverers of DNA gives a human account of the discovery process.

WATSON, W., On Understanding Physics (Cambridge Univ. Press)

WEINBERG, S., The First Three Minutes(Basic Books, 1977) An exciting account of the beginning of the universe

WEISSKOPF, V., Knowledge and Wonder (Anchor)

WEIZENBAUM, J., Computer Power and Human Reason (Freeman, 1976)

YORK, H., The Advisors: Oppenheimer, Teller and the Superbomb (Freeman, 1976) An interesting account by someone who was there

ZIMAN, J., Public Knowledge: The Social Dimensions of Science. By a well-known scientist