Physics: Licenciada en Ciencias Fi sicas, Universidad de Cantabria,
June 1990.


 Physics: Ciencias Fi sicas, Universidad de Cantabria, September 1993.
 PhD ADVISOR: Dr. Enrique Martinez-Gonzalez.


 Postdoctoral Fulbright fellow:
 Becas de Formacion de Profesorado y Personal Investigador,
 Subprograma MEC/Fulbright de becas en EEUU fu93 13924591,
 since January 1994.
 ORGANIZATION/UNIVERSITY: Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and
 Center for Particle Astrophysics.
 ADDRESS: 1 Cyclotron Road, Build.50, Rm. 205,
          Berkeley, CA 94720 (USA)
 PHONE: (510) 486-6513.


 "The probability density function of the temperature
 autocorrelacion of the cosmic microwave background for
 Gaussian cosmological model".
 L. Cayon, E. Martinez-Gonzalez & J.L. Sanz.
 Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society,
 253, 599--604 (1991) 

 "Gravitational Lensing and the Cosmic Microwave Background".
 L. Cayon, E. Martinez-Gonzalez & J.L. Sanz.  
 Astrophysical Journal, 403, 471--475 (1993)

 "The dynamics of the outer regions of the Coma cluster".
 M. van Haarlem, L. Cayon, C. Gutierrez de la Cruz, 
 E. Martinez-Gonzalez & R. Rebolo. 
 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
 264, 71--86 (1993)

 "Does a cosmological constant increase the effect of
 gravitational lensing on the CMB?".
 L.Cayon, E. Martinez-Gonzalez & J.L. Sanz. 
 Astrophysical Journal, 413, 10--13 (1993)

 "Pip analysis of the CMB data: Application to the Tenerife
 C.M. Gutierrez de la Cruz, E. Martinez-Gonzalez, L. Cayon,
 R. Rebolo & J.L. Sanz.
 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
 271, 553-560 (1994)

 "The effect of gravitational lensing on the texture
 of the CMB"
 L. Cayon, E. Martinez-Gonzalez & J.L. Sanz. 
 Astronomy and Astrophysics, 284, 719--723 (1994)

 "Genus and Spot Density in the COBE DMR First Year
 Anisotropy Maps".
 S. Torres, L. Cayon, E. Martinez-Gonzalez & J.L. Sanz. 
 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
 274, 853--857 (1995)

 "R-band imaging of fields around $1z2$ radiogalaxies"
 N. Benitez, E. Martinez-Gonzalez,
 J.I. Gonzalez-Serrano & L. Cayon.
 Astrophysical Journal,109, 935 (1994)

 "Hot and Cold Spots in the First plus Second Year
 L. Cayon & G. Smoot.
 Astrophysical Journal, in press, (1995)

 "Upper Limits on the Ly$\alpha$ emission from an
 HI Cloud at $z=3.4$"
 E. Martinez-Gonzalez, J.I. Gonzalez-Serrano,
 L. Cayon, J.L. Sanz & J.M. Martin-Mirones.
 Astronomy and Astrophysics, in press, (1995)

 "$\Omega$ from the COBE-DMR Anisotropy Maps"
 L. Cayon, E. Martinez-Gonzalez, J.L. Sanz, N. Sugiyama
 & S. Torres.
 Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
 submitted, (1995)

 "Constrained Gaussian Random Fields: Comparison of
 Cosmic Microwave Background Observations".
 F. Atrio-Barandela & L. Cayon
 Astrophysical Journal, submitted, (1995)


 "Statistics of the CMB maps".
 E. Martinez-Gonzalez & L. Cayon. 
 Proceedings of the NATO ASI "The Infrared and Submillimetre Sky
 after COBE"
 Les Houches (France), 20-30 March 1991.
 Ed. M. Signore y C. Dupraz. Kluwer A.P. 1992. Pag: 291-302.

 "The influence of Gravitational Lensing on the CMB
 in flat universes with $\Lambda \ne 0$".
 L.Cayon, E.Martinez-Gonzalez & J.L.Sanz.
 Proceedings of International Symposium on: "Observational
 Cosmology", ASP Conference Series, Vol. 51, 1993.
 (eds Chincarini, G., Iovino, A., Maccacaro, T. and Maccagni, D.).

 "Secondary Anisotropies in the CMB".
 E. Martinez-Gonzalez, L. Cayon & J.L. Sanz.
 Proceedings of the International Symposium
 Texas/Pascos 92, Berkeley (Ca), Dec. 13-18 1992.
 Ed. Carl W. Akerlof and Mark A. Srednicki.
 {\it Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences} 1993, {\bf 688}, 827.

 "Pip analysis of the Tenerife and ULISSE data".
 L.Cayon, C. Gutierrez de la Cruz, E.Martinez-Gonzalez & J.L.Sanz.
 Proceedings of the International Workshop on "Present and
 Future of the Cosmic Microwave Background"
 Santander (Spain), June 28-July 1 1993.

 "Hot and Cold Spots in the COBE-DMR Data"
 Procedings of the VII International Meeting "Marcel
 Grossman Meeting"
 Stanford (California, USA), July 24-29 1994.

 "Projected Clustering Around $1z2$ Radiogalaxies "
 E. Martinez-Gonzalez, N. Benitez, J.I. Gonzalez-Serrano & L. Cayon.
 IAU Simposio 168 "Examining the Big Bang and Diffuse Background
 Radiations" (Kluwer), in press, December 1994.

 "Upper Limits on the Ly$\alpha$ emission at $z=3.4$"
 E. Martinez-Gonzalez, J.I. Gozalez-Serrano, J.L. Sanz,
 J.M. Marti n-Mirones y L.Cayon.
 IAU Simposio 168 "Examining the Big Bang and Diffuse
 Background Radiations" (Kluwer), in press, December 1994.

 "$\Omega$ from the COBE-DMR Anisotropy maps" 
 J.L. Sanz, L. Cayon, E. Martinez-Gonzalez, 
 N. Sugiyama y S. Torres.
 17th Texas Symphosium on Relativistic Astrophysics
 (New York Academy of Sciences), in press, December 1994.

 "The Slope of Matter Density Perturbations from Tenerife
 and COBE/DMR"
 F. Atrio-Barandela, L. Cayon y J. Silk.
 17th Texas Symphosium on Relativistic Astrophysics
 (New York Academy of Sciences), in press, December1994.
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