PLANCK Data Receipt
The major institutional interfaces and facilities are called
out in the Science Implementation Plan (SIP).
FINDAS (FIRST Integrated Network and Archive System) will receive the Planck
DPC (Geneva) has priority and responsibility to receive the raw Planck
telemetry stream from FINDAS.
link speed ~1 megabaud for transfer of data from FINDAS to DPC
comonalities between instruments (and FIRST) to be exploited
Data decompression - The DPC is responsible for the decompression of
the data as telemetered
on-board computer (averagering?) compression
telemetry system compression and error-correcting code
FINDAS (e.g. bit order reversal etc)
Network and hardware
Data tracking and archiving - making sure all the data are received and
stored for further use
Make data available for
quick look software and mission status (for MOC)
including real-time assessment of instrument and data status
tinstrument performance monitoring
data quality checking
necessary investigations of raw data
Remote Users and Institutions
Mission Planning group concerned with specific source scans or intermediate
Engineering reviews of instrument and spacecraft performance
The bulk of these data receipt tasks are most appropriate
for computer science and data handling specialists. The primary points
of interactions with the LFI science team is in defining the steps taken
by the Planck on-board computers and in what kinds of data
are needed for the quick-look, real-time, monitoring, and
quality checking and any special investigations of performance. It is likely
that the data volume is sufficiently large that the data will be separated
into relevant streams by special software for long term trending and investigations.