MAXIMA Cryostat

Documentation for the MAXIMA Cryostat:

Maxima's cryostat is a LHe cooled cryostat with a LN2 stage. It was purchased from IR labs for about $30,000 in 1995. It arrived in Berkeley in July, 1995. The cryostat was designed by Shaul Hanany, and Paul Richards with contributions from the rest of the MAX team.

The liquid He tank has a volume of about 21.1 liters and the LN2 tank has a volume of 12.1 liters. The projected LHe hold time is about 30 hours.

The cryostat was designed to accomodate an array of 8 PHOTOMETERS of the type that were flown on MAX-4 and MAX-5. The cold plate have re-entrant inserts into the LHe volume designed for an ADR and He3 FRIDGE. The He3 fridge is an intercept stage between the ADR and the LHe stage. A mechanical heat switch is provided with the cryostat for a quick cool down of the the photometers and ADR to LHe temperatures (from 300K). Two electrical heat switches control the switching between the ADR/photometers to the He3 stage, and between the ADR/photometers to the LHe stage.

The LHe stage also accomodates the optics box which consists of the secondary and tertiary mirrors (see OPTICS ).

For more detailed information on the crostat consult the MAXIMA Cryotat binder.

Shaul Hanany The Center for Particle Astrophysics 301 Le Conte Hall, UC Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720 (510) 642-7802

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