ICECUBE Neutrino Detector

A proposed high-energy neutrino detector
created by instrumenting a cubic kilometer of ice
under the South Pole station
IceCube Technical Information
IceCube Data Handling Technical Information
Proposal to NSF 1999
IceCube Website UW
Some IceCube Science
For the more recent and detail calculations by group members
Event rate estimate page
Search for Astrophysical Sources of high-energy Neutrinos
Neutrino Oscillations
Title: Measuring Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillations with Neutrino
Ivone F.M.
George F. Smoot
Comments: 36 pages, 21 figures, revtex, Reference Physical Review D
64, 53008 (2001)
Indirect Dark Matter Search in IceCube
Return to the
Smoot Group Astrophysics page
Department of Physics - University of California, Berkeley