Physics 10 Book List 3

for Prof. Smoot's class

Fay Ajzenberg-Selove. "A Matter of Chocies: Memories of a Female Physicist" (Rutgers U. Press, 1994).

Jim Baggott. "Perfect Symmetry, The Accidental Discovery of a New Form of Carbon" (Oxford U. Press, 1994).

John D. Barrow. "The World Within the World" (Oxford, 1990).
"Theories of Everything: The Quest for Ultimate Explanation" (Oxford U. Press, 1991).
"Pi in the Sky, Counting, Thinking and Being" (Oxford, 1993).

Marcia Bartusiak. "Through A Universe Darkly" (Harper Collins, 1993).

Hans A. Bethe. "The Road From Los Alamos" (AIP, 1991).

John Briggs and F. David Pleat. "Turbulent Mirror: An Illustrated Guide to Chaos Theory & the Science of Wholeness" (Harper Collins, 1990).

D. Allan Bromley. "The President's Scientists: Reminescences of a White House Science Advisor" (Yale U. Press, 1994).

Sidney D. Drell. "In The Shadow of the Bomb: Physics and Arms Control" (AIP, 1993).

Timothy Ferris. "Coming of Age in the Milky Way" (Doubleday, 1989). "The Mind's Sky: Human intelligence in a Cosmic Context" (Bantam, 1993).

Allan Franklin. "The Rise and Fall of the Fifth Force" (AIP, 1993).

Joan Freeman. "A Passion for Physics" The story of a woman physicist (Hilger, 1991).

Murray Gell-Mann. "The Quark and the Jaguar: Adventures in the Simple and the Complex" (W.H. Freeman, 1994).

Owen Gingench. "The Eye of Heaven: Ptolemy, Copernicus, Kepler" (AIP, 1993).

Sheldon Glashow. "The Charm of Physics" (Simon & Schuster, 1991). "From Alchemy to Quarks: The Study of Physics as a Liberal Art" (Brooks/Cole Publishers 1994).

J. Gleick. "Genius: The Life and Science of Richard Feynman" (Vintage, 1993).

John Gribbin. "In the Beginning: Aher COBE and Before the Big Bang".

Gerald Holton. "Physics, History, and Other Passions". "Science and Anti-Science" (Harvard U. Press, 1993).

John R. Huizenga. "Cold Fusion: The Scientific Fiasco of the Century" (U. Rochester Press, 1992) .

Michio Kaku. "Hyperspace A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the Tenth Dimension" (Oxford U. Press, 1996).

Rocky Kolb. "Blind Watchers of the Sky" - The story of the people and ideas that shapped our view of the Universe (Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, 1996).

Lawrence Krauss. "The Physics of StarTrek" (Basic Books, 1995).

W. Lanouette and B. Szilard. "Genius in the Shadows: A Biography of Leo Szilard, the Man Behind the Bomb" (U. Chicago Press, 1994).

Leon Lederman & Dick Teresi. "The God Panicle: if the Universe is the Answer, What is the Question?" (Houghton-Mofflin,1993)

David Lindley. "The End of Physics: The Myth of a Unified Theory" (Basic Books, 1993).

Roger Lewin. "Complexity: Life at the Edge of Chaos" (MacMillan, 1992).

Sharon Bertsch McGrayne. "Nobel Pnze Women in Science" (Birch Lane, 1993).

Jagdish Mehra. "The Beat of a Different Drum: The l ife and Science of Richard Feynman" (Oxford U. Press. 1994).

Philip Morrison. "Nothing is Too Wonderful to be True" (AIP, 1994).

P. Nahin. "Time Machines: Time Travel in Physics. Metaphysics and Science Fiction" (ASP, 1993).

Abraham Pais. "Niels Bohr's Times" (Oxford U. Press, 1991).
"Einstein Lived Here" (Oxford U. Press, 1994).

W.K.H. Panofsky. "Particles and Policy" (AIP, 1994).

Roger Penrose. "The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds and the Laws of Physics" (Oxford U. Press, 1989).

R.Z. Sagdeev. "The Making of a Soviet Scientist: My Adventures in Nuclear Fusion and Space From Stalin to Star Wars" (Wiley, 1994).

Cindy Schwarz. "Tour of the Subatomic Zoo: A Guide to Panicle Physics" (AIP, 1992).

Joseph Silk. "Cosmic Enigmas" (AIP, 1994).

George Smoot and K. Davidson. "Wrinkles in Time" (Marrow, 1993).

Emilio Segre. "A Mind Always in Motion" (U. California Press, 1993).

Leonard Shlain. "An and Physics: Parallel Visions in space, Time and Light" (Marrow. William, 1993).

Jo Ann Shroyer. "Quarks, Cntters, and Chaos" (Prentice Hall, 1993).

Philip Stehle. "Order, Chaos, Order: The Transition From Classical to Quantum Physics" (Oxford U. Press, 1993).

Gary Taubes. "Bad Science: The Short Life and Weird Times of Cold Fusion" (Random House, 1993).

Virginia Trimble. "Visit to a Small Universe" (AIP, 1992).

J.M. Thomas. "Michael Faraday and the Royal Institution: The Genius of Manard Place" ( 1991).

Kip Thorne. "Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy" (Norton, 1994).

Charles Townes. "Making Waves" (AIP, 1994).

Frank Von Hippel. "Citizen Scientist" (AIP, 1991).

M. Mitchell Waldrop. "Complexity: The Emerging Science at the Edge of Order and Chaos" (Simon & Schuster, 1993).

Steven Weinberg "Dreams of a Final Theory" (Pantheon, 1992).

Fred Alan Wolfe."Taking the Quantum Leap: The New Physics for Non-scientists" (Harper Collins, 1989).