2003 Albert Einstein Medal

On June 4, 2003, Professor George Smoot was awarded the Albert Einstein Medal for 2003. The Einstein Prize was presented by Professor Peter Fricker, President of the Albert Einstein Society, at the University of Berne on the day of the hundred year anniverary of the main University building. The Einstein Medal was awarded to honor his outstanding scientific achievements in pioneering work on Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation. During the ceremony Dr. Smoot gave a talk entitled Cosmological Relativity (viewgraphs) also PDF version of slides missing annimation and about 33 mbytes. The audio of the talk is 55 minutes and 500kbytes long. MP3 version 53 minutes and 25 MBytes.

A short clip or Prof Smoot being interviewed.

The Albert Einstein Society (Gesellschaft) organizes an annual public ceremony at the University of Berne, Switzerland to honor a person who through outstanding scientific achievements and cultural merit he Einstein medal.

A part of the festivities included a visit to the Einstein Haus in Bern where he lived from 1902 to 1905. The last year is when Einstein published a glorius set of papers including Brownian motion, the photoelectric effect, and Special Relativity. A few photos were taken during the visit.

List of previous Einstein Medal Winners

Implications of COBE discovery of CMB anisotropies.
PDF Article about COBE from the Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics.

Laudatio citation given with the Einstein Medal.

Profs. Fricker, Minkowski, and Smoot at the ceremony

Profs. Smoot and Minkowski with Einstein medal at the ceremony

Prof. Smoot at the ceremony

Prof. Fricker at the ceremony

Prof. Smoot at the ceremony

Prof. Smoot at the ceremony

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