1. Thesis: : "Ricerca di anisotropie nella distribuzione della radiazione
fossile a 3K", Universita' degli Studi, Milano, 1978
2. "Osservazioni a 10.8 GHz della radiazion andfossile a 3K. La stazione di
Medicina"; with B. Falconi, P. Inzani, C. Paizis, E. Santambrogio, G. Sironi,
P. Calzolari, S. Cortiglioni, N. Mandolesi, andG. Morigi, CNR Rapporto Interno
TESRE #90, LFCTR MiRa 80/1
3. "Cosmic rays and galactic radio noise"; with G. Sironi, in Setti, Spada, and
Wolfendale (edts.), Origin of cosmic rays, 215, Proceedings of 94th IUPAP-IAU
Symposium, Reidel, Dordrecht, 1980
4. "Fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background on a 2.3 deg angular
scale"; with P. Calzolari, S. Cortiglioni, N. Mandolesi, G. Morigi, B. Falconi,
P. Inzani, E. Santambrogio, G. Sironi, R.B. Partridge, and J.E. Solheim, in
Proceedings of 17th ICRC, XI, 270, 1981
5. "Low frequency measurements of the spectrum of the cosmic background
radiation"; with G. Smoot, S.D. Friedman, C. Witebsky, N. Mandolesi, R.B.
Partridge, G. Sironi, L. Danese, and G. De Zotti, Phys. Rev. Lett., 51, 1099,
6a. "New multi-frequency measurements of the spectrum of the cosmic background"
with N. Mandolesi, G. Smoot, S.D. Friedman, C. Witebsky, R.B. Partridge, G.
Sironi, L. Danese, and G. De Zotti, in B. Bertolotti, F. De Felice, and A.
Pascolini (edts.), Procedings of the 10th International Conference on General
Relativity and Gravitation, 865, Padova, 1983
6b. and in Adv. Space Res., 3, 465, 1984
7. "Measurement of the cosmic background radiation temperature at 3.0 cm"; with
S.D. Friedman, G. Smoot, and C. Witebsky, Phys. Rev. D, 29, 2677, 1984
8. "Measurements of the cosmic background radiation temperature at 3.3 and 9.1
mm"; with C. Witebsky, S.D. Friedman, and G. Smoot, Phys Rev. D, 29, 2673,
9. "Low frequency measurements of the spectrum of the cosmic background
radiation"; with G. Smoot, S.D. Friedman, C. Witebsky, G. Sironi, G. Bonelli,
N. Mandolesi, S. Cortiglioni, G. Morigi, R.B. Partridge, L. Danese, and G. De
Zotti, Ap. J., 291, L23, 1985
10. "New 33 GHz measurements of the cosmic background radiation intensity";
with G. Smoot, S.D. Friedman, and C. Witebsky, The Astrophysical Journal, 298,
710, 1985
11. "New measurements of the cosmic background radiation spectrum"; with G.
Smoot, S. Levin, and C. Witebsky, in F. Melchiorri (edt.), The cosmic
background radiation and fundamental physics, 27, Proceedings of the Third Roma
Meeting on Astrophysics, Societa' Italiana di Fisica, 1985
12. " A redetermination of the spectrum of the cosmic background radiation from
12 to 0.33 cm."; with R.B. Partridge, G. Sironi, G. Bonelli, L. Danese, G. De
Zotti, S.D. Friedman, G. Smoot, C. Witebsky, N. Mandolesi, S. Cortiglioni, G.
Morigi, in F. Melchiorri (edt.), The cosmic background radiation and
fundamental physics, 7, Proceedings of the Third Roma Meeting on Astrophysics,
Societa' Italiana di Fisica, 1985
13. "Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric emission at 10, 33 and 90 GHz";
with J. Costales, G. Smoot, C. Witebsky, and S.D. Friedman, Radio Science, 21,
47, 1986
14. "Large scale homogeneity of the universe as measured by the microwave
background"; with N. Mandolesi, P. Calzolari, S. Cortiglioni, F. Delpino, G.
Sironi, P. Inzani, J.E. Solheim, L. Berger, R.B. Partridge, P.L. Martenis C.H.
Sangree, and R.C. Harvey, Nature, 319, 751, 1986
15. "New measurements of the cosmic background radiation temperature at 3.3 mm
wavelength"; with C. Witebsky, G. Smoot, and S.D. Friedman, Ap. J., 310, 145,
16. "Measurements of the cosmic background radiation spectrum"; with N.
Mandolesi, S. Cortiglioni, G. Morigi, G. Sironi, G. Bonelli, L. Danese, G. De
Zotti, R.B. Partridge, G. Smoot, S.D. Friedman, C. Witebsky, in G. Setti, and
L. Van Hove (edts.), Cosmology, Astronomy and Fundamental Physics 117,
Proceeedings of 2nd ESO-CERN Symposium, ESO 1986
17. "Atmospheric emission variation measurements at 3, 0.9, and 0.33 cm
wavelength"; with G. Smoot, S. Levin, and C. Witebsky, Radio Science, 22, 521,
18. "Long-wavelength measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation
spectrum"; with G. Smoot, M. Bensadoun, M. Bersanelli, A. Kogut, S. Levin, and
C. Witebsky, Ap. J. Lett., 317, L45, 1987
19. "The temperature of the Cosmic Background Radiation at a frequency of 10
GHz" with A. Kogut, M. Bersanelli, S.D. Friedman, M. Griffith, B. Grossan, S.M.
Levin, G.F. Smoot, and C. Witebsky, Ap. J., 325, 1, 1988
20. "Measurement of the Intensity of the Cosmic Background Radiation at 3.7
GHz"; with G. Smoot, J.C. Aymon, M. Bersanelli, A. Kogut, S. Levin, and C.
Witebsky, Ap. J., 329, 556, 1988
21. "An analysis of recent measurements of the cosmic microwave background
radiation temperature"; with G. Smoot, S.M. Levin, C. Witebsky, and Y.
Rephaeli, Ap. J., Ap. J., 331, 653, 1988
22. "A measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Temperature at
1.410 GHz"; with S.M. Levin, G. Smoot, M. Bensadoun, M. Bersanelli, A. Kogut,
and C. Witebsky, Ap. J., 334, 14, 1988
23. "Low-frequency measurements of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation";
with S. M. Levin, M. Bensadoun, M. Bersanelli, A. Kogut, G. Smoot, and C.
Witebsky, in E. Norman (edt.), Particle astrophysics: forefront experimental
issues, 130, 1989 (World Scientific; Singapore)
24. "Measurements of the cosmic microwave background radiation temperature at
90 GHz"; with M. Bersanelli, C. Witebsky, M. Bensadoun, A. Kogut, S. M. Levin,
and G. Smoot, Ap. J., 339, 632, 1989
25. "Low-frequency Measurements of the CMB Spectrum"; with A. Kogut, M.
Bensadoun, S. Levin, M. Limon, G. Smoot, G.Sironi, M. Bersanelli, and G.
Bonelli, in: D.M. Mullan, M.A. Pomeranz, and T. Stanev (edts.) Astrophysics in
Antarctica, 71, Proceedings AIP Conference #198, AIP, New York, 1989
26. "A Measurement of the Temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background at a
Frequency of 7.5 GHz"; with A. Kogut, M. Bensadoun, S. M. Levin, G.Smoot, and
C. Witebsky, Ap. J., 355, 102, 1990
27. "The Temperature of the Cosmic Background Radiation: Results from the 1987
and 1988 Measurements at 3.8 GHz"; with M. Bensadoun, M. Bersanelli, A. Kogut,
S. M. Levin, G. Smoot, and C. Witebsky, Ap. J., 359, 219, 1990
28. "First Results of the COBE Satellite Measurement of the Anisotropy of the
Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation"; with G. Smoot the COBE-DMR
collaboration (26 coauthors), Adv. Space Res. 11, 193, 1991
29. "The Temperature of the Cosmic Background Radiation at 3.8 GHz; Results of
a Measurement from the South Pole site"; with M. Bensadoun, M. Bersanelli, A.
Kogut, S. Levin, M. Limon, and G. Smoot, Ap.J. 381, 341, 1991
30. "Preliminary results from the COBE Differential Microwave Radiometers:
large-angular-scale isotropy of the Cosmic Microwave Background"; with G. Smoot
and the COBE-DMR collaboration (26 coauthors), Ap. J. Lett., 371, 1, 1991
31. "Preliminary DMR measurements of the CMB anisotropy"; with G. Smoot and the
COBE-DMR collaboration (25 coauthors), in S. Holt et al. (edts) "After the
first three minutes", AIP conference proceedings, (AIP, New York), 222, 95,
32. "A decade of long-wavelenght CMB measurements"; with A. Kogut, M.
Bensadoun, M. Limon and G. Smoot, in S. Holt et al. (edts) "After the first
three minutes", AIP conference proceedings, (AIP, New York), 222, 62, 1991
33. "A Liquid-Helium-Cooled Absolute Reference Cold Load for Long-Wavelenght
Radiometric Calibration"; with M. Bensadoun, C. Witebsky, G. Smoot, A. Kogut,
and S. Levin, Review Sci. Instr., 63, 4377, 1992
34. "COBE differential microwave radiometers (DMR); calibration techniques";
with C. Bennett and the COBE-DMR collaboration (25 coauthors), Ap. J. 391, 466,
35. "Structure in the COBE DMR first year maps"; with G. Smoot and the COBE-DMR
collaboration (26 coauthors), Ap. J. Lett. 396, 1, 1992
36. "Preliminary separation of galactic and cosmic microwave emission for the
COBE-DMR"; with C. Bennett and the COBE-DMR collaboration (17 coauthors), Ap.
J. Lett. 396, 7, 1992
37. " A measurement of the temperature of the cosmic microwave background at a
frequency of 7.5 GHz" with S. Levin, M. Bensadoun, M. Bersanelli, A. Kogut, M.
Limon, and G. Smoot, Ap. J., 396, 3, 1992
38. "COBE Differential Microwave Radiometer (DMR) preliminary systematic error
analysis"; with A. Kogut and the COBE-DMR collaboration (26 coauthors), Ap. J.,
401, 1, 1992
39. "Construction technique and performance of a 2 GHz rectangular corrugated
horn" with M. Bersanelli, M. Bensadoun, M. Limon, G. Smoot, S. Tanaka, C.
Witebsky, and J. Yamada, IEEE Trans., AP-40, 1107, 1992
40. "COBE differential microwave radiometers (DMR) data processing techniques",
with P. Jackson and the COBE-DMR collaboration (10 coauthors), in D.M. Worrall,
C. Biemesderfer and J. Barnes (edts.), "Astronomical Data Analysis, Software
and Systems I", 382, NOAO, 1992
41. "Daily quality assurance software for a satellite radiometer system", with
P. Keegstra and the COBE-DMR collaboration (11 coauthors),in D.M. Worrall, C.
Biemesderfer and J. Barnes (edts), "Astronomical Data Analysis, Software and
Systems I", 530, NOAO, 1992
42. "Measurements of the cosmic microwave background temperature at 1.47 GHz"
with M. Bensadoun, M. Bersanelli, A. Kogut, S. Levin, M. Limon, G. Smoot, and
C. Witebsky , Ap. J. 1993, 409, 1
43. "A new program to map the absolute temperature of the sky at low
frequencies" with G. Smoot, M. Bensadoun, M. Bersanelli, S. Levin, M. Limon and
W. Vinje, in G. Chincarini et al. (edts): "Observational Cosmology", ASP
Conference Series (ASP, San Francisco) 51, 527, 1993
44. " Low frequency measurements of the cosmic microwave background temperature
from the South Pole" with M. Limon, M. Bensadoun, M. Bersanelli, S. Levin, G.
Smoot, and W. Vinje, in G. Chincarini et al. (edts): "Observational Cosmology",
ASP Conference Series (ASP, San Francisco) 51, 525, 1993
45. " A measurement of the cosmic microwave background temperature at 2 GHz:
instrument description and observation technique" with M. Bersanelli, M.
Bensadoun, S. Levin, M. Limon, G. Smoot, and W. Vinje, in G. Chincarini et al.
(edts): "Observational Cosmology", ASP Conference Series (ASP, San Francisco)
51, 521, 1993
46. " An international program to map the absolute brightness of the sky at low
frequencies" with M. Bensadoun, G. Dall'Oglio, M. Limon, G. Smoot, S. Torres,
T. Villela, and C. Witebsky, submitted to Astrophysics and Space Science,
47. " Mapping the absolute brightness of the sky at low frequencies" with M.
Becerra, M. Bensadoun, M. Limon, G. Smoot, S. Torres, A. Umana, and C.
Witebsky, in S. Holt and F. Verter. (edts) "Back to the galaxy", AIP conference
proceedings 278, (AIP, New York), 1993, 208
48. " Modelling galactic microwave emission from 0.4 to 50 GHz" with C.
Witebsky, G. Smoot, and J. Aymon, in S. Holt and F. Verter. (edts) "Back to the
galaxy", AIP conference proceedings 278, (AIP, New York), 1993, 210
49. " Low frequency measurements of the cosmic microwave background" with M.
Bensadoun, M. Bersanelli, G. Bonelli, A. Kogut, S. Levin, M. Limon, G. Sironi,
G. Smoot and W. Vinje, in C.W. Akerlof and M.A. Srednicki (edts), Ann. N.Y.
Acad. Sci. (Proceedings Texas/PASCOS 92), 688, 792, 1993
50. "Dipole anisotropy in the COBE differential microwave radiometers
first-year sky maps" with A. Kogut and the COBE-DMR collaboration (18
coauthors), Ap. J. 1993, 419, 1
51. "Site evaluation and RFI measurements in Colombia for a galactic radio
survey" with Torres, S., Smoot, G., Becerra, M., Chaux, E. Gomez, J., and
Umana, A.; 1993, Rev. Col. Fis., 25, 23
52. "A new program to map the absolute temperature of the sky at low
frequencies" with Smoot, G., Bensadoun, M, Bersanelli, M., Levin, S., Limon,
M., and Vinje, W. 1993, in G. Chincarini et al. (edts): "Observational
Cosmology", ASP Conference Series (ASP, San Francisco) 51, 527
53. "Absolute measurements of the cosmic microwave background at 2 GHz" with M.
Bersanelli, M. Bensadoun, S. Levin, M. Limon, G.F. Smoot, and V. Vinje, 1994.
Ap. J., 424, 517
54. "A research program to map the galactic emission at low frequencies" with
Torres, S., Bensadoun, M. Bersanelli, M, Dall'Oglio, G., Limon, M., Smoot, G,
Sironi, G., Villela, T. and Witebsky, C.; 1994, Astrop. and Space Science, 214,
55. "A new instrument to map the absolute brightness of the sky at low radio
frequencies" with Bensadoun, M., Limon, M., Smoot, G., Bersanelli, M.; 1995,
Astroph. Lett Comm., 32, 153
56. "Foreground emission in ground-based absolute measurements of the CMB" with
Bersanelli, M., Bensadoun, M., Kogut, A., Levin, S., Limon, M., Maino, D.,
Smoot, G.F., and Witebsky, C.; 1995, Mem. S.A. It., 66, 92
57. "The importance of accurate galactic observations at radio-frequency for
CMB experiments" with S. Cortiglioni, M.R. Attolini, N. Mandolesi, E. Palazzi,
S. Montebugnoli, A. Orfei, and M. Bersanelli; 1995, Mem. Soc. Astr. It., 66,
58. "Measurements of the CMB spectrum at centimeter wavelenghts" with M.
Bersanelli, G. Smoot, M. Bensadoun, M. Limon, and S. Levin; 1995, Astr. Lett.
and Comm. 32, 7
59. "Effects of atmospheric emission on ground-based microwave background
measurements" with M. Bersanelli, M. Bensadoun, L. Danese, A. Kogut, S. Levin,
M. Limon, D. Maino, G. Smoot and C. Witebsky; 1995, Astr. Lett. and Comm. 32,