Herb is a microwave engineer who lives in Pasadena, California.
B.S.E.E. Union College Schenectady, N.Y. 1947
M.S.E.E. Syracuse U Syracuse N.Y. 1950
Radio Operator : WBCA (FM) Schenectady N.Y, 1944 - 1947
Lab Assistant : G.E. Research Laboratory Schenectady, NY 1946
Chief Engineer : WKRT AM & FM Cortland N.Y. 1947
Engineer :G.E. Electronics Laboratory Syracuse N.Y. 1948 -1949
Research Assistant Syracuse University 1949 - 1950
Engineer: Signal Corp Laboratory , Belmar N.J. 1950 - 1951
Microwave development for radar systems in air defense and instrumenation applications
R.C.A. Government Radar Division Moorestown N.J. 1951 - 1954
MIT Lincoln Laboratory ,
Lexington, Mass. 1954 - 1982
Project Engineering of microwave /millimeter wave systems for satellite and air based passive sensing ..
Aerojet (Earth Sensing Division) Azusa, Ca 1962 - 1994
Season's Greeting and Happy Holidays
Return to the Smoot Group page for a complete description of Dr. Smoot's group's research activities.