2. A new student will be asigned a coordinator who will be responsible to see that the student is supervised, get safety and other training.
3. Each new student will be given a desk and place to store things and work.
2. Each new student who will have any occasion to work in the shop will get safety and other instruction from Richard Kuiper.
3. Each new student will be given the notebook about safety with particular emphasis on cryogenic fluids to read and will be instructed in safe operation and behavior with whatever system they are working. See cryogenics section of Pressure Safety and Cryogenics of DOE Pub 3000.
4. The student's coordinator/mentor will see that the student learns the layout and procedures of the laboratory.
More information on safety and general procedures can be found in the DOE Health and Safety Publication 3000
2. Each student is expected to be trained and to learn new material during the course of their work which will help them in their career.
3. Each student will be given guidance and assistance to learn the system and his way around the working environment
2. For each task the supervisor and student are expected to see that things p[roceed in a safe and reasonable way and that the student has the materials, tools, and ability to complete the task.
3. We encourage students and others to write up their work as articles or as group notes - Astrophysics notes - (e.g.sublevels of Astromag, COBE, Spectrum, GEM, Planck, MAXIMA, AMANDA/ICE-cube)
Return to the Smoot Group page for a complete description of Dr. Smoot's group's research activities.