The GEM 10 GHz Receiver System
GEM 10 GHz Rationale
The frequency 10 GHz was chosen because it is roughly between
the existing 19 GHz map (and the 20 GHz map expected from the MAP satellite)
and the 5 GHz map.
The Galaxy produces a very small (about the milliKelvin level)
radiation signal at 10 GHz.
This requires extended observation with an ambient temperature receiver
or at least weeks of observation with a cooled receiver.
The frequency is sufficiently high to provide a very good lever arm
for extrapolation to frequencies of 30 GHz and above.
The apparatus while still large can both provide good resolution
and special equipment for an absolute calibration.
Reports on the 10 GHz Receiver
The project has been supported in part by the US Department of Energy,
by the US National Science Foundation, by the Progetto Italia Antartide,
by INPE-Brazil, and by Colciencias of Colombia.
Some of the publications to date are on the following
publication list.
Some preliminary
10 GHz GEM maps from the southern hemisphere. (missing)
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page for a complete description of Dr. Smoot's group's research activities.