The GEM 5 GHz Receiver System
GEM 5 GHz Rationale
The frequency 5 GHz was chosen because the Galaxy produces a small byt
significant radiation signal at 5 GHz, which is beginning to be
sufficiently high to provide a good lever arm for extrapolation.
The apparatus while still large can both provide good resolution
and special equipment for an absolute calibration.
Reports on the 5 GHz Receiver
The project has been supported in part by the US Department of Energy,
by the US National Science Foundation, by the Progetto Italia Antartide,
by INPE-Brazil, and by Colciencias of Colombia.
Some of the publications to date are on the following
publication list.
Some preliminary
5 GHz GEM maps from Tenerife. (missing)
Return to the Smoot Group
page for a complete description of Dr. Smoot's group's research activities.