GEM - The Galactic Emission Mapping Project
Photograps taken on George Smoot's visit August 1998
The following pictures shows some of the layout:
- 0 George Smoot standing by the GEM
as set up in Cachoira Paulista
- 1 Camillo Tello walking out towards
and operating GEM dish. The dish is rotating and operating at the time
taking data at 1.465 GHz.
Group picture in front of rotating GEM
dish includes (left to right) Camillo Tello, George Smoot, Thyrso Villela,
Newton Figuero (in front) Alex Magmo (sp), and graduate student ? (sp).
Note that the halo (outer) panels are badly weathered (corroded)
they will be replaced.
- 4 This and next photograph are long view
taken from near the entrance to the INPE (Brazilian Space Agency) base
in Cachoeria Paulista. From there one can see GEM rotating in the distance
(thus two shots) and the large building near by where we worked on our
CMB anisotropy balloon-borne experiment before flight in November 1982.
To the right of that large building is the telemetry building
which now houses the electronics etc. for GEM and to the right of that
the rotating GEM.
- 5 Second long view shot of the GEM
operating area. Note the low horizon as seen from the previous pages.
- 6 A close shot
- 7 George Smoot and ...
working on the 5 GHz receiver.
- 8 More to come.
Return to the Smoot Group
page for a complete description of Dr. Smoot's group's research activities.