PLANCK Data Processing and Analysis (LFI)


The major institutional interfaces and facilities are called out in the Science Implementation Plan (SIP). The detail planning of the facilities, interactions of the various team members, and the actual tasks to be performed is still left to be done through the next level scoping of the tasks and the definition of the actual scientific operations of interest to various parties.

These pages are focused upon defining the Planck LFI data processing and analysis tasks so that various members of the team can agreee on them and  understand them and determine what role is appropriate for their current and future efforts. To that end the following major level tasks have been broken out and specifically considered both in terms of the institutional and programmatic aspects - as the data products must eventually be produced at designated sites and by designate personnel - and the work needed from various individuals many of whom will not be at the designated institutions but at their home institutions.

We can anticipate feed back from the individual scientists, the actual work to be done, and the various institutions involved especially including ESA on these tasks and how they will be undertaken. The first task is to refine the task list and details.

Major Level Tasks for PLANCK LFI Data Processing and Analysis

The basic concept of the data processing is shown in the following pictograph

An idea of the data processing pipeline and science analysis goals is shown in this pictograph