There is not yet official data from the MAXIMA flights. This is a place holder. However one can see some of the MAX data by looking at the published articles listed under
MAX Science publications
and get data by using MAX data .
I plan to put pointers here for viewing and obtaining the MAXIMA data sets from various flights. Below is a place holder.
MAX Data
is a description and data from the various MAX flights.
MAX2 provides information and data from MAX Flight #2.
MAX3 provides information and data from MAX Flight #3.
MAX4 provides information and data from MAX Flight #4.
MAX5 provides information and data from MAX Flight #5.
is a description and data from the various MAXIMA flights.
MAXIMA1 provides information and data from MAXIMA Flight #1.
MAXIMA2 provides information and data from MAXIMA Flight #2.
MAXIMA3 provides information and data from MAXIMA Flight #3.
MAXIMA4 provides information and data from MAXIMA Flight #4.
MAXIMA5 provides information and data from MAXIMA Flight #5.
This is a stub page underconstruction
author George Smoot
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