Documentation for the MAX 5 and prior archive extraction program:

The person who should really write this page is the original author of the programs. Failing that, probably Stacy Tananka still knows a little about it. Nonetheless, I will give a brief note here.

Both of these programs run on the MAX and MAXDATA VAXes and probably not anywhere else. They work on archives created by the original MAX flight software.

ARC_TEST checks the integrity of the archive (?) at least in so far as noting where there have been telemetry drop-outs and the like. I think that it scans the archive and reports what it found.

ARC_SER actually extracts the data, and I don't know if it always outputs a *.DAT file appropriate for COSRAY or if it can output other things (like houskeeping data).

I do not know if you can get a simple TAB-separated table of values out of either of these programs.

author Thor Wilbanks

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