The big bang
It is now generally agreed among both astronomers and physicists alike that
the Universe was created some 10 to 20 billion years ago in a leviathan
explosion dubbed the "Big Bang".
This cataclysmic event resulted in the production of light in the form of
"photons", matter in the form of leptons (electrons, positrons, muons) and
baryons (protons, antiprotons, neutrons, antineutrons), as well as the
subsequent formulation of the Universe's first chemical elements.
The concept of the Big Bang was not immediately obvious to astro-physicists,
but rather grew out of a steady culmination of
evidence gathered from both
theoretical and observational parameters throughout the course of the 20th
A panopoly of theories attempting to explain the origin of the Universe were
eventually discredited and superseded by the Big Bang hypothesis based upon
the following critical considerations:
Emad Iskander