

Physics of the New Century

The Standard Model explains 5% of the Universe:




The Standard Model of particle physics is a theory that describes three of the four known fundamental interactions (Gravitation, Electromagnetism, and Weak and Strong Interaction) between the elementary particles that make up all matter. To date, almost all experimental tests of the three forces described by the Standard Model have agreed with its predictions. However, the Standard Model falls short of being a complete theory of fundamental interactions, primarily because of its lack of inclusion of gravity.

Learn more about the Standard Model through this chart


The Standard Model - YouTube video


Eleven dimensions, parallel universes, and a world made out of strings. It's not science fiction, it's String Theory. Watch the 3 episodes of The Elegant Universe produced by PBS.


BCCP will explore further frontiers in high energy physics, gravitation, and cosmology:

Is there a new quantum physics? Does nothing weigh something? Questions include Einstein’s cosmological constant, Quintessence, M/String theory...

New gravitational physics? Is nowhere somewhere? Quantum gravity, Supergravity, Extra dimensions...

We will learn about the universe through new observations, simulations, and theory as science evolves in the 21st century


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