UC Berkeley Announces New Cosmology Center  December 4,2007



 BCCP Director George Smoot, Chancelor Birgeneau, Professor Saul Perlmutter, and Dean of Physical Sciences Mark Richards discuss the center's goals at a UC Campus press conference
Photo - Stokstad


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The Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics (BCCP) will focus on understanding the origin and evolution of the universe through a series of programs to define the observations and experiments needed to answer the key questions in cosmology today. Programs will bring together experiment, computation, and theory. BCCP will also offer a rich program in education and outreach to train future students and engage the public.

"The center has the potential to excite the public and bring in the next generation of observational cosmologists and theorists, said BCCP Director George Smoot. To me, it's a kind of legacy, but one I can participate in. It will be fun coming in to work."



The recently-announced Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grant will provide the core operating support for the next three years to insure a successful launch of the center and to support its most important assets: the highly qualified postdoctoral students, graduate students, faculty and staff who will build this center of excellence.



Beginning with a with a $500,000 endowment gift from Smoot, other BCCP support includes $1.5 million from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and $5.5 million in private gifts and other support for endowed chairs at the center and for postdoctoral and graduate student support. UC Berkeley physics professor Saul Perlmutter, who, like Smoot, is also a researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), has also contributed to the center, using a portion of his 2007 Gruber Cosmology Prize to seed a fund for future research that, with the addition of other funds, will total approximately $600,000.



First BCCP Postdocs Alexie Leauthaud, Anze Slosar, and Oliver Zahn  Photo - Stokstad


Press conference attendees  Photo - Stokstad





George Smoot and Saul Perlmutter contemplate the history and fate of the universe
Photo - Stokstad


Mark Richards (right) Photo - Peg Skorpinski



Josh Bloom (center) and Eliot Quataert (right) Photo - Peg Skorpinski



Alex Kim, Alexie Leauthaud, and Eric Linder Photo - Skorpinski



Anze Slosar and Joanne Cohn Photo - Skorpinski




George Smoot (right) Photo - Skorpinski


Gerson Goldhaber and Greg Aldering Photo - Skorpinski


Photo - Skorpinski


Chancelor Birgeneau (center) and Mark Richards (right) Photo - Skorpinski


Bob Cahn, Jim Siegrist, and Chancelor Birgeneau Photo - Skorpinski


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