Internet as you like it
This want to be a sort of starting point for people to enter the Internet world. We will give some links to interesting places (at least for us!). Enjoy!!!
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Computer Science and Technology
World Wide Web
Universities and Institutions
Fun and Events

Astronomy and Astrophysics

AstroWeb - Astronomy and Astrophysics on the Internet
Physics Servers and Services Around the World
ESISBIB Page (Version 2.5)
Sky View
Space Telescope Science Institute
Astronomical Meetings and Societies
NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
ESA - European Space Agency
ASI - Italian Space Agency
Astronomia e Astrofisica al CNR
ADS Abstract Service - Search by subject on NASA databases


The Astrophysical Journal
Astrophysical Journal Letters on line
GCNews, Galactic Center Newsletter
Astronomy and Astrophysics
Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts
New Astronomy

Computer Sciences and Technology

Apple on the WEB
Apple Computer World Wide Technical Support
Digital on the WEB
Microsoft on the WEB
Sun on the WEB

World Wide Web

What's New at NCSA
Netsurfer Digest
Netsurfer Tools
Netsurfer Focus
Scout Report
Yahoo - The most complete guide to WWW

Universities and Institutions

Universities in the world

Berkeley University
Davis University
Irvine University
Los Angeles University
Riverside University
San Diego University
San Francisco University
Santa Barbara University
Santa Cruz University

Office of the President

Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory
San Diego Supercomputer Center

Bologna University - IT
Warwick University - UK
Yale University - US


Berkeley - Melvyl Library System
Berkeley - Gladys Library System
The Library of Congress - Search Page
Library of the University of Bologna

Fun and Events

International Slang The Alternative Dictionaries
I love Ferrara
The Green Mile by Stephen King
The Internet Movie Database
Literature on-line
Italian literature on-line
Paul Gauguin on-line

Do you happen to know any new link that could figure in this page? Let us know !!!

This page has been accessed times since September 28, 1996