Industry Partners
- Leverage your corporate philanthropic and marketing dollars and increase your exposure in a global market community
- Achieve high visibility by associating your brand with a premier scientific research center and global education programs
The BCCP offers sponsorship programs that have both philanthropic alignment and significant marketing value to promote a corporate image or brand that support the advancement of science and science education.
Corporations and foundations can also partner with the BCCP by funding our endowment, post-doctorate fellowships, research, and education programs for middle and high school teachers and their students. Co-branded, naming opportunities for select programs, services, publications, and media projects are available.

Wells Fargo Foundation
The BCCP offers the following sponsorship and co-branded opportunities:
For more information on available sponsorships or customized sponsorship opportunities, please contact Lucia Ortega Villasana, Executive Director, Lovillasana@berkeley.edu, 510.326.0239

Corporate Engagement Opportunities
The BCCP’s education programs depend on volunteers for assistance. The Corporate Volunteer Program offers groups of corporate volunteers the opportunity to participate in the hands-on work for the BCCP GTA. The Corporate Volunteer Program projects are designed to be enjoyable and fulfilling, and to give you and your employees a sense of ownership in our dynamic Global Teacher’s Academy. Projects may include preparation and participation at our annual academy (Berkeley-California, Seoul-South Korea, and Paris-France). Most projects require a full-day commitment to complete. Some of our projects involve the opportunity to donate funds towards the purchase of necessary equipment and supplies for our teachers and students, which allows the BCCP GTA to enhance their resources for participants.
Please coordinate this opportunity with our Education Director, Dr. Rollie Otto to ascertain the dates and projects that are available.

Co-Branded Sponsorship Opportunities
Essential Cosmology For the Next Generation
BCCP and its international partners launched a second school in 2010 and have been successful in establishing a prestigious, annual event that meets the demands of workforce development, diversity in a new science field, education and the advancement of science. Through global distribution, your company brand and message will be displayed on promotional materials, media and other opportunities that promote these priorities. Essential Cosmology For the Next Generation creates the opportunity to support a diverse group of eminent scientists, researchers, students, and innovators in the modern Physics scene. Essential Cosmology for the Next Generation showcases innovations in training, communications and scientific interaction, utilizing the interdisciplinary approach essential for the new generation of cosmological data and interpretations. With world-class lectures, the latest astrophysical results and strong international collaborations, the conference presents a superb opportunity for significant impact on a diverse group of participants and, through high-quality web casting, to a far larger community at U.S. institutions and abroad. In addition, a public talk presented by Nobel Laureate George Smoot is organized with the local community, officials, and supporters invited to participate and interact with great minds in science.
In preparation for its international school in January 2011, BCCP will extend its reach to attract a wider group of academics, researchers and graduate students. We intend to sponsor 30 U.S. participants and ask your support in naming these participants as your BCCP/(Name of your Company) Conference Scholars. Your sponsorship will help us lower the barrier of entry for a diverse group of men and women, thus helping to insure that the best minds working in this field will participate, connect and contribute to the advancement of science. It will also guarantee you and your organization’s participation at the conference and public talk while in return, achieving prominent display of your brand and logo supporting frontier science and education at the global level. We have attached a sponsorship package that outlines opportunities and benefits to supporters.
The fields of Cosmology and Astrophysics are currently among the fastest growing and most exciting areas of research today. Many of the most recent research projects and experiments in this field are directly attributed to discovery and contributions made by Nobel Laureate Smoot. Dr. Smoot’s work with the COBE satellite results provided increased support for the Big Bang scenario for the origin of the Universe. Dr. Smoot’s work at LBNL continues to move this field forward. Through the leadership of Dr. Smoot, scientists in the BCCP are working on several, major new research programs that are creating major steps forward in our understanding of the universe. BCCP provides an interdisciplinary framework for interactions between faculty, postdoctoral researchers, graduate and undergraduate students, educators and partners in Korea, Mexico, France, Germany, Japan and other countries around the world.

2011 Conference Sponsorship Levels
An investment in scientists who have the potential to influence the course of science and science advancement
Exclusive Sponsor Level:
- Company name and logo on all conference materials to include conference program, letters of invitation and 15 ft welcome banner posted in main hall over 5 days of the conference event.
- Posting of company logo on conference announcement emails and on conference announcement web sites to include: aether.lbl.gov/bccp, www.iac.edu.mx, http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de/, http://aas.org/. Distribution to international science community in United States, Mexico, Japan, England, Germany, Spain, Korea and global community for aas.org.
- Recognition of company – naming of BCCP/Company Name Conference Scholars (10). Scholars are a diverse group of men and women, advanced graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
- Posting of company logo on BCCP “Essential Cosmology For the Next Generation” landing page for 12 months with links to company educational and science initiatives
- Posting of company logo on conference poster (posted on 3 websites to include: aether.lbl.gov/bccp, www.iac.edu.mx, http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de
- Posting on company logo on BCCP Facebook profile and wall, Twitter (audience includes undergraduate students, graduate students, post docs, researchers).
- Formal, commemorative letter of appreciation to sponsoring company, signed by Nobel Laureate George Smoot (Physics 2006).
- Invitation for company leadership and representative to attend Noble Laureate Public Talk and conference dinner.
- Recognition of sponsor on 7 workshop videos posted on BCCP web site and YouTube.

Co Sponsor Level
- Company name and logo on all conference materials to include conference program, letters of invitation and 15 ft welcome banner posted in main hall over 5 days of the conference event.
- Recognition of company – naming of BCCP/Company Name Conference Scholars. Scholars are a diverse group of men and women, advanced graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars.
- Posting of company logo on BCCP “Essential Cosmology For the Next Generation” landing page for 12 months with links to company educational and science initiatives:
- Posting of company logo on conference poster (posted on 2 web sites to include: aether.lbl.gov/bccp, www.iac.edu.mx, http://hyperspace.aei.mpg.de, http://aas.org/.
- Posting on company logo on BCCP Facebook profile and wall, Twitter (audience includes undergraduate students, graduate students, post docs, researchers).
- Formal, commemorative letter of appreciation to sponsoring company, signed by Nobel Laureate George Smoot (Physics 2006).
- Invitation for company leadership and representative to attend Noble Laureate Public Talk and conference dinner.
- Recognition of sponsor on 5 workshop videos posted on BCCP web site and YouTube.

- Company name and logo on all conference materials to include conference program.
- Recognition of company – naming of BCCP/Company Name Conference Scholars (1). Scholars are a diverse group of men and women, advanced graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.
- Posting of company logo on BCCP “Essential Cosmology For the Next Generation” landing page for 12 months with links to company educational and science initiatives:
- Formal, commemorative letter of appreciation to sponsoring company, signed by Nobel Laureate George Smoot (Physics 2006).
- Invitation for company leadership and representative to attend Noble Laureate Public Talk and conference dinner.
- Recognition of sponsor on workshop videos posted on BCCP web site and YouTube.
For inquiries about how to make a gift to support BCCP education, contact BCCP Executive Director Lucia Ortega Villasana.
Facebook and Twitter for BCCP in development stage. Will be launched in summer 2010.
Over 4,000 views by science community in 2009 – Increased views anticipated in 2010 and 2011.
Facebook and Twitter for BCCP in development stage. Will be launched in summer 2010. Over 4,000 views by science community in 2009 – Increased views anticipated in 2010 and 2011.