Physics 139: Special Relativity and General Relativity

Instructor: George Smoot

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This course focuses on Albert Einstein's theories of Special Relativity and General Relativity. The Course Syllabus gives an outline of the material to be covered.

Final Exam, Friday 16 May 2003 12:30-3:30
71 Evans Hall 8-11 AM
homework solutions available.
Review Session Wednesday 14 May 1-2:30 333 Le Conte Hall

Does your head hurt from too much studying?
Are the concepts of relativity physics too difficult?
Sometimes even relativity can cause you to think too much.
If you are doing so, or are one of the rare people who are susceptible, take a break and read this warning about exploding heads.

If you are the exploding heads type you might want to take a peek at the University Education Final Exam A University Education is a broad education.