PLANCK Data Processing and Analysis
Facility Planning
& Prototyping
Mission Operations: Mission Planning
Data Receipt
Instrument Performance Monitoring
Data Quality Checking
Merge data streams - e.g. raw data, time stamp,
pointing, instrument state, orbital location, etc.
Calibrated Time Ordered Data
tag/remove of non-science data, bad & corrupt data - for HFI this includes
cosmic ray removal
determine, characterized, and remove instrument signatures
filtering/baseline removal
Generate Ancillary Data Sets
calibration history and parameters files - absolute and relative
beam parameters - G(\theta), W(\theta)
pointing offsets
noise properties of data - e.g. power spectrum, correlation function
delays, time constants, frequency response of detectors
Map Generation
determine number of maps and coordinate systems to use & memory, data
storage sizes and number of megaflops
pixelization software - valid for various schemes
minimum size packing of data stream & noise characterization for map
making input
staging data into map making system
generate partial and full maps and error covariance matrix
verification and validation of map making products
separation of signals, e.g. CMB, foregrounds, etc.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Power Spectrum
Test Cosmological Models and assumptions, e.g.
Gaussian versus non-Gaussian, goodness of fit, ...
Cosmological Parameter Estimation
CMB Polarization Analysis
Additional Scientific Goals & Processing